Our Savior Lutheran Church
The Mortgage Has Been Paid

Our Savior
Lutheran --
where God is
seen, love is felt;
lives are changed.

Our Savior family,

Back in November, the church council decided to work on getting the mortgage for our church paid off early.
The council is happy to inform y'all that we have reached the point that we are going to pay off our mortgage early
and get our two defibrillators.

This campaign would not have succeeded if it weren't for the help of so many people in our congregation: the children
who created the thermometer to tell us our progress; the work of Mark and Vicki to keep our goal in front of us; our
pastor to let us know our progress; and most of all, the people who contributed the money to attain our goal. There
were too many people who contributed to this fund to name here, but we thank all of you for your support.

Thank You, Thank You!

We will plan a mortgage burning and celebration sometime in the late fall when we have more people in attendance.
That should be a fun day!

There are people who still may want to contribute, and we will still accept donations marked for defibrillators and
mortgage, but we will add that money to our capital outlay account. We will be needing new air conditioners for some
of the rooms on our campus. Some of the AC units are 27 years old - way past their life expectancy. So, your money
will be going to these and other needs of an aging campus and buildings.

May God bless all of you!